Adventure is what we’re all about here. Well, adventure and travelling, you might be unsurprised to hear. To some degree all travelling is, by its nature, an adventure and that’s one of the things that makes it so exciting and uplifting.
However, on these pages we hope to showcase some of the finest adventure holidays on the planet and here we’re talking about real adventure! We’ve split this down into two separate areas, Independent Travel and Activity Travel and whilst they differ slightly there is certainly some overlap and our aim with both is to inspire, inform and help you make your travelling dreams a reality.
Independent Travel
Independent travel itself can mean different things to different people and many would argue this is the only “real” form of travel. To a large degree, something as simple as booking a bed and breakfast at an old fashioned seaside resort and travelling there by train is independent travel but we have faith that you, fellow travel experts, don’t need help with that.
By independent travel we really mean extended stays, off the beaten track to some extent – although where in this ever-shrinking world is really, truly, that? – where most of the trip is organised by you and booked independently, rather than as a complete package. Many people would refer to this kind of travelling as backpacking. But of you course you don’t have to carry a rucksack around to be an independent traveller!
But hey, we’re flexible, the only rules of Travel Expert Club are that you must love travelling and want to share that love with others. We’ll be covering all sorts in here, from student gap years to retired weekends in the sun – although more of the former than the latter. We might go into details about how to get overland from Essex to Cape Town or waffle on about Interrailing trips round Europe or taking the Greyhound or a classic car from New York to LA.
We’d love to hear any tips you’ve got, any marvellous tales of your own independent travel and to see your best pictures from your own adventures so please get in touch. No worries if not, just sit back and let us share our love of travel, adventure and fun, as well as a fair amount of handy and up-to-date information. If you are looking for cheap flights to far-flung destinations we can recommend taking a look at STA Travel (who do extra discounts for students and people under 31 years old).
Activity Travel
Again we’d love to hear from you and welcome submissions to our site, be they great pictures or top travelling tales. Activity travel is yet another broad and inclusive church, so whether you like coasteering in Wales, Alpine skiing, walking in the Austrian Lakes, cycling in sunny Provence, trekking in the Himalayas, canoeing in Slovenia or a bit of yoga in an isolated retreat in India, this is the place for you.
Again, our aims are to inspire you for your next great trip and to give you ideas and information to make your travelling more fulfilling, exciting and downright amazing. Basically we’ll be covering anything that involves combining travelling and a bit of physical (or mental or spiritual) activity, so if that’s your bag be sure to check out what we have to say.